Governing Body
The remit for the Governing Body is to:
Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Governor Name | Category | Appointing Body | Term of Office Expires | Responsibilities | Register of Interests | Links with Other Organisations |
Mrs Joanne Roberts (Chair of the Governing Board) | Co-opted Governor | Governing Body | 05.02.2024 |
| Nil | Employed at Lyme Community Primary School |
Miss Emma Nicholson | Staff Governor | Governing Body | Ex-Officio |
| Nil | Nil |
Mrs Catherine Pugh | Co-opted Governor | Governing Body | 03.02.2025 |
| Nil | Nil |
Miss Jessica McGuire (Class Teacher) | Staff Governor | Governing Body | 26.11.2024 |
| Nil | Nil |
Mrs Cathy Liku | Co-opted Governor | Governing Body | 30.06.2025 |
| Nil | Headteacher at Birchfield Nursery School |
Mr Keith Jones | Parent Governor | Parent | 23.11.2025 |
| Nil | Nil |
Councillor Wil Williams | LA Governor | Local Authority | 29.11.2016 |
Governors' Attendance 2022/2023
Name | 04.10.2022 | 29.11.2022 | 31.01.2023 | 21.03.2023 | 16.05.2023 | 04.07.2023 |
Joanne Roberts | Present | Present |
Catherine Pugh | Apologies | Apologies |
Emma Nicholson | Present | Present |
Jessica McGuire | Present | Present |
Cathy Liku | Present | Apologies |
Keith Jones | Present | Apologies |
Lisa Bagot | Apologies | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Wil Williams | n/a | Apologies |
Governors' Attendance 2021/2022
Name | 07.10.2021 | 02.12.2021 | 03.02.2022 | 17.03.2022 | 19.05.2022 | 30.06.2022 |
Tyron Armario | Present | Present | Present | Present | n/a | n/a |
Joanne Roberts | Present | Apologies | Present | Present | Present | Present |
Catherine Pugh | Present | Apologies | Present | Present | Present | Apologies |
Emma Nicholson | Present | Present | Present | Present | Present | Present |
Jessica McGuire | Present | Present | Present | Present | Present | Present |
Cathy Liku | Apologies | Apologies | Present | Apologies | Present | Apologies |
Keith Jones | n/a | Present | Present | Present | Present | Apologies |
Lisa Bagot | n/a | n/a | n/a | Present | Apologies | Present |